"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Marthe Troly-Curtin

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In a World Where Immortality Is the Norm, the Future Is My Future at Galeria Duarte Sequeira in Braga, Portugal

In a World Where Immortality Is the Norm, the Future Is My Future at Galeria Duarte Sequeira in Braga, Portugal

Galeria Duarte Sequeira is pleased to inaugurate its programme of exhibitions with a group exhibition exploring the constantly-redefined term ‘human‘.

16 March — 18 May 2019
Galeria Duarte Sequeira
Rua da Galeria nº129, 4700-803, Braga

Timur Si-Qin

Timur Si-Qin


Using the myth of Eos and Tithonus as a starting point, and with a strong focus on humanity’s quest to live -possibly forever-, the exhibition delves into the collaboration between the human and non-human, the boundaries of natural and artificial, organic and synthetic, the real and fictional, and the aesthetic and the practical.

Eva Papamargariti

Eva Papamargariti


The exhibition encourages to consider the way each body experiences life individually, and collectively contributes to the expansion of the term ‘human’. With a common desire to make sense of the world and its limitations, the artists discuss the evolutionary process and raise questions around technological advances under capitalism, and how these have, in turn, affected humanity’s relationship with time and nature.

Katja Novitskova

Katja Novitskova

Katja Novitskova, Pakui Hardware

Katja Novitskova, Pakui Hardware


Artists: Anne de Vries, Eva Papamargariti, Guan Xiao, Katja Novitskova, Lito Kattou, Mimosa Echard, Oliver Laric, Pakui Hardware, Paloma Proudfoot, Saelia Aparicio, Timur Si-Qin

Litto Katou, Anne de Vries

Litto Katou, Anne de Vries

Saelia Aparicio, Paloma Proudfoot

Saelia Aparicio, Paloma Proudfoot

Katja Novitskova

Katja Novitskova


All images courtesy of Galeria Duarte Sequeira & the artists

Katja Novitskova

Katja Novitskova

Louise & Maria Thornfeldt X LEJE: The Ones Who Dream to Stay as Children Forever

Louise & Maria Thornfeldt X LEJE: The Ones Who Dream to Stay as Children Forever

When Two Artists Collaborate: Reminiscing Vedas by Nicholas Alan Cope & Dustin Edward Arnold

When Two Artists Collaborate: Reminiscing Vedas by Nicholas Alan Cope & Dustin Edward Arnold