"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Marthe Troly-Curtin

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Ricardo Bofill's "La Fabrica" Renovation Project

Ricardo Bofill's "La Fabrica" Renovation Project

La Fábrica by Ricardo Bofill
Total Floor Area: 3,100 m2 and gardens
House Area: 500 m2
1975 - Present
Sant Just Desvern, Barcelona
Text by Ricardo Bofill


Ricardo Bofill's Fabrica Renovation Project

We found enormous silos, a tall smoke snack, four kilometers of underground tunnels, machine rooms in good shape… This was in 1973 and it was our first encounter with the Cement Factory.

Ricardo Bofill's Fabrica Renovation Project

This cement factory, dating from the first period of the industrialization of Catalonia, was not built at once or as a whole but was a series of additions as the various chains of production became necessary. The formal result was given, then, by a series of stratified elements, a process which is reminiscent of vernacular architecture, but applied to industry.

Ricardo Bofill's Fabrica Renovation Project
Ricardo Bofill's Fabrica Renovation Project
Ricardo Bofill's Fabrica Renovation Project

"In Residence: Ricardo Bofill" by Movie Director Albert Moya
Via Nowness




Brian Thoreen Negotiates with Gravity with His New UNSETTLED Collection

Brian Thoreen Negotiates with Gravity with His New UNSETTLED Collection

Sala Beckett's Creative Soul Lives On in the Vibrant District of Poblenou, by Flores & Prats Architects

Sala Beckett's Creative Soul Lives On in the Vibrant District of Poblenou, by Flores & Prats Architects