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Spanish Architect David Romero Recreates Frank Lloyd Wright's Buildings in Color Visualisations

Spanish Architect David Romero Recreates Frank Lloyd Wright's Buildings in Color Visualisations

"Architect David Romero has created colour visualisations of a pair of now-demolished Frank Lloyd Wright buildings, previously only visible in black-and-white photographs.

Romero's Hooked on the Past images visualise the interiors and exteriors of Frank Lloyd Wright's demolished Larkin Administration Building and ruined Rose Pauson House, as well as their detailing and furniture."

The Larkin Administration Building by Frank Loyd Wright on Anniversary Magazine

"The Larkin Administration Building by Frank Lloyd Wright was completed in 1904 and demolished in 1950"


"Architect David Romero's photoreleastic images capture the red brick and pink-tinted mortar of the building"


"The visuals feature intricate detailing including the ornamentation on the building's facade"


"Romero's images show the grand atrium topped by a skylight inside the offices, as well as built-in furniture"


"Details like planting, lighting and gold decoration are also included"


"Wright's Rose Pauson House built in 1942 also features in Romero's Hooked on the Past series"


"Made of stone and wood, the house burnt down one year after completion following a fire. It featured large expanses of glazing to offer views of the desert in Arizonia"


"The fire was supposedly caused when an ember ignited the curtains, which Romero has detailed with striped patterns"


"Wooden furniture, cushions and a carpet are included in the interior renderings"


"Romero used a range of programmes including 3ds Max and photoshop, aiming to make the images photorealistic"


"Although some colour images of the built residence remain, they have faded over time"


Text Eleanor Gibson
Images by David Romero

Reposted from Dezeen
Full article here>

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