"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Marthe Troly-Curtin

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Alexander McQueen Follows Oscar Wilde as he Travels from London to Paris

Alexander McQueen Follows Oscar Wilde as he Travels from London to Paris

The wit, wisdom and beauty of Oscar Wilde as he journeys from Tite Street in London to Paris St-Germain inform Alexander McQueen’s menswear collection this season. The writer wears tailoring typical of the London gent, cut in classic British fabrics to begin with - jackets and coats in wool serge with velvet appliqués, a 3-piece flannel suit in charcoal and exaggerated overcoats in or trimmed with shearling. His style becomes more fanciful, as he travels from the British capital to France. An all-over paisley print silk robe, an overcoat made in a jacquard inspired by antique rugs and gemstone rings all pay homage to at the magnificent dandy. Two huge gold peacocks won a dark green background painted above Wilde’s bed in the room at l’Hotel on the left bank was where he spent his last days. They remain there to this day and are the central motif in this collection. 

Luis Jacob's Albums and the Subjectivity of Aesthetic Experience

Luis Jacob's Albums and the Subjectivity of Aesthetic Experience

Corpus Exhibition by Alexander Wessely to Be Launched in an Old Palace Under Renovation in Central Stockholm

Corpus Exhibition by Alexander Wessely to Be Launched in an Old Palace Under Renovation in Central Stockholm